
I guess I have to stop acting surprised every time I update this blog for my next adventure, but I am always a little shocked that I am doing it again. My long-distance journeys started with my 2015 thru-hike of the Appalachian Trail where I blindly ran into the Appalachian Mountains and completely winged my first thru-hike (to be fair I think everyone wings their first thru-hike since you don’t know what you don’t know). I had no plans for this to become my passion, at the time it just felt right to quit my job and leave the front-country for a while. Unfortunately for me, every time I am on a trail, I learn about new trails. I quickly added the Pacific Crest Trail and the Continental Divide Trail to my wish list and completed them in 2016 and 2019 respectively. I kind of expected my long-distance adventuring to end once I completed the big three but after a hectic couple of years, I figured it was best to recharge myself by going out again.

I have dubbed 2022 as the year of adventures. I have a lot of high routes, climbs, and hiking & biking trips planned. Included in the list of shenanigans I will be attempting to hike the Hayduke and riding The Great Divide Moutain Bike Route. Instead of doing 5 to 6 months of a single long trail I have filled up 7 to 8 months of trips across the Western United States.

The blog serves multiple purposes, namely as a check in with friends and family to let them know I'm still alive, but also as a comical outlet as you laugh at my misfortunes. If you somehow are able to use my posts to help plan your own adventures then I applaud you, as most of my topics are random and this would be the definition of the blind leading the blind. 

I would like to remind everyone that most of these posts are written inside of a sleeping bag in the dark after a long days hike, so if you are looking for well-written and grammatically correct stories stop reading now. If you can put up with bad jokes, scattered ideas and slight embellishments keep reading. 

Happy Trails